Want to outsource but scared to give up control of your digital life?

Want to outsource but scared to give up control of your digital life? 🤐 I hear you. I've always hesitated to hand over the keys to my inbox to some random virtual assistant.

But after chatting with Kwame Agyei, an outsourcing expert, on The Accounting Podcast, I realized my concerns were likely more psychological than practical.

Kwame's company uses some clever tricks to address security. They set up virtual machines with data servers in the client's home country. That means no data ever leaves the country or gets processed offshore.

The real challenge, according to Kwame, is building trust with your VA. That's where a lot of us accounting types get stuck.

But Kwame had some smart advice. He recommends starting small - maybe just having your VA handle expenses or upload receipts to QuickBooks. As you see their work and get to know them, you can gradually hand over more responsibilities.

Kwame said the key is communication, especially in the first 4 weeks. Share everything that comes to mind - that helps them understand you and your unique needs.

Over time, as you see their great work and develop a personal rapport, that trust will grow. You'll reach a point where you feel comfortable handing over those digital keys.

So, don't let security fears hold you back from the benefits of outsourcing. With the right partner and a gradual approach, a VA can be a game-changer for your accounting firm. Time to stop being so paranoid and get those tasks off your plate!

What do you think? Let me know your virtual assistant horror stories (or success stories). And listen to the full episode here: https://accounting.show/episodes/outsourcing-101-for-accounting-firms-with-kwame-agyei