Thanks to Steve Major for having me as a guest on his podcast, Pricing Power! Among many other things, Steve and I discuss the future of bookkeeping technology and what that means for the accounting profession. Spoiler Alert: The future will be automated. (listen)
Don't write words, write 'music'
Expensify is the Slack of Accounting
How the Blockchain Will Disrupt Banking
Get ready to pay more for contractors — UpWork is changing their pricing upgrades Inbox and drops price of data entry
Field Notes: #ExpensiCon Day 2
Here's Why There Won’t Be an Uber for Accounting
Of all the services that could potentially be "Uberized", accounting is one of the least likely to succeed. For more, read my post on Going Concern.
4 Ideas to Help Accounting Firms Improve Their Marketing
Previously on Going Concern, I wrote a post called "Why Accountants Suck at Marketing." As a follow up, here are four simple ways accountants can do better.