Abacus enables foreign currency (and Bitcoin)

Abacus is already my favorite expense reimbursement app and it just got better with the addition of foreign currencies.

Now you can enter expenses in a foreign currency and Abacus will automagically do the conversion to US dollars using the current exchange rate.

To record an expense in a foreign currency, click on "USD" to the right of the amount you've entered. A drop down menu will display with some of the more common options. If the currency you're looking for doesn't show up, just start typing the name and it will appear. I haven't tested it too much, but it sure seems like all the options are there. Even Bitcoin!

You may want to think twice before expensing all of your Bitcoin purchases.

You may want to think twice before expensing all of your Bitcoin purchases.

This is just the sort of small improvement that can make a big difference for cloud-based businesses, which aren't limited by their location on the globe (or by fiat currencies). Now I just need a client in Tahiti to justify that travel expense...

Abacus has more details in their blog post about the new feature.